• Le 13 décembre 2024 de 14:30 à 16:30
    false false

Mora Maldonado (Nantes)

An experimental assessment of the nall lexical gap
(joint work with Benjamin Spector)
Across the world’s languages, the quantificational concept not all (nall) is never lexicalized. This also holds for temporal (not always), modal (not must) and locative (not everywhere) domains. Existing accounts for these lexical gaps fall into two broad categories. Some accounts have proposed that nall is not lexicalized because it expresses a cognitively unnatural concept. In contrast, other accounts propose that nall is not intrinsically marked, but is not very useful for communication. Across a series of artificial language learning experiments, we found no cognitive bias against nall, suggesting that its absence from the lexicon cannot be attributed to cognitive markedness.
Mis à jour le 15 janvier 2025.